Construction News and Jobs in Northern Ireland

BBC plans for Belfast revamp progressing
Wed - March 6, 2019 10:15 am  |  Article Hits:4894  |  A+ | a-
CSR - BBC Northern Ireland
CSR - BBC Northern Ireland
The proposal for the work to Broadcasting House on Ormeau Avenue in Belfast was approved last March by the BBC board.

Now, the plans - which include the redevelopment of the existing BBC Broadcasting House building - will be put to the public, as part of a routine pre-application event before planning can be submitted.

It includes a new extension to the rear, including a landscaped plaza opening onto Linenhall Street. Money invested will go towards structural work on the 77-year-old building to ensure its long-term sustainability, addressing what the state broadcaster has said are "critical deficiencies". The event will take place at the Clayton Hotel on March 14, between 6pm and 8pm, and March 28 between 12pm and 3.30pm.

Credit : Belfast Telegraph


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